Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Heart of Ilocos Sur

Festivals are not only observed for religious or cultural reasons. The public can benefit greatly more from festivals. They facilitate interaction and foster a feeling of community. People from all walks of life gather on these days to celebrate life.

The City of Vigan observes Kannawidan as a holiday every year. The Ilocano people display their cultural performances, regional goods, and individual talents at this event.
It is important to protect our unique culture and rich heritage. The Kannawidan Ilocos Festival was established as an annual event with the goal of raising awareness about the preservation of the province's rich cultural heritage, practices, and traditions. Ilocos Sur's province administration created a festival to celebrate these customs and cultures and draw both domestic and international visitors. It is known as the Kannawidan Ilocos Festival and celebrates the anniversary of Ilocos Sur becoming a province. Every person living in the province understands the importance of this festival because it commemorates the establishment of Ilocos Sur as a province by royal decree on February 2, 1818. The Philippine History Commission refers to Vigan in particular as the "Heart of Ilocandia" in reference to Ilocos Sur. The province has a very rich cultural history. Traditions are what Kannawidan means, and this province got to show off everything she has. 

Festivals are not only observed for religious or cultural reasons. The public can benefit greatly more from festivals. They facilitate interaction and foster a feeling of community. People from all walks of life gather on these days to celebrate life.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Queens of the Society

Women are not just women, they are more than that, they are women. They deserve to be loved and respected. Women are flawless. Women are graceful, they dance with emphasis in each step nearly perfecting every play they slay. The horizon has its own heartbeat to pump, just like a flower that blooms with each metamorphosis in bliss. A choir of insecurities might call the sleeping anxiety above their heads, but a fearless woman would never let darkness dictate how she shines. Nevertheless, women will never be less.

Women are flawsome. Hail their beauty, bow at their feet. Out there is a girl crying thinking she’s not enough because of body-shaming, face-shaming and more! It’s a miracle how she was able to survive not having anything to eat except for self-appreciation and self-acceptance. She was able to neglect her bruises, she was able to lift herself up when no one was able to do so.

Women are flawless but also women are flawsome. They see each day as a challenge-in-disguise. It’s a colorful thing to notice that whatever mistake they make and whatever rock blocks their way, they still end day victoriously and they finish their play harmonically. They slay effortlessly, but also they strive beautifully,hands down to all women for signifying independency. Have you seen the miss universe coronation night? It was fabulous! but let me remind you one thing, every woman deserves a crown. Every woman is a miss universe and a dancing ballerina of their own.

The Last Quarter

This 4th quarter was particularly the most difficult and challenging for me. I found it difficult to stay motivated and focused, and I had a...